Walt Borton
505.982.2605 / walt@waltborton.com
Walt advises in business, educational, government, and political communications strategies, media and public relations. In this capacity he has developed and executed external media and internal communications strategies and initiatives for clients as diverse as: Caskey-Lees, California based producers of major antiques shows on the east and west coasts; the Fine Art Dealers Association of America; the Association of Antiques Dealers of California; The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum 10th Anniversary; the 2008 Santa Fe, NM City Council Campaign of Patti Bushee; and the London, UK based National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
His practice currently includes strategy development for the market launch of a visionary renewable energy system incorporating solar and wind-turbine technology, Bluenergy Solarwind Inc.; guiding the communications-marketing effort of a Santa Fe contemporary gallery, Patina; marketing and management consulting for a Baltimore-based boutique software design firm, Design For Context; marketing consulting for Santa Fe software design firm, Garner Total Energy; and media relations and marketing for three major antiques shows in New York City in 2009. Recent projects include antiques shows in Los Angeles, CA, Napa, CA; Santa Barbara, CA; Scottsdale, NM, Seattle, WA; and Santa Fe. In association with Santa Fe graphic design firm Grace Communications, he also recently worked on a symposium on curriculum for the green economy at Santa Fe Community College and the launch of 20th Anniversary Celebrations for the New Mexico Small Business Development Centers.
Prior to becoming an independent consultant in 1992, he was executive vice president of a Los Angeles-based consulting firm, The Pacific Group. The Pacific Group developed executive-level training for Fortune 100 companies in the US and abroad including the Xerox Corporation, the Nissan Motor Car Company, USA, Sun Microsystems Inc., and Apple Computers, Inc. While with TPG, he counseled on external affairs and marketing to the International Federation of Training and Design Organizations, a UN chartered NGO.
During the 1980’s he was a vice president of Park Communications, Inc., Ithaca, NY, charged with marketing, external affairs, the Park Foundation, and government and investor relations. Park Communications was a NASDAQ listed publishing and broadcasting company operating in 25 States, with 51 daily and more than 100 weekly newspapers, 7 television and 16 radio stations. Prior to joining Park Communications in 1984, he owned a film/video production company primarily serving hospitals and health care organizations in upstate New York.
Walt’s career in communications began at Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY, in 1975, where, as executive assistant to the President, he formulated the institution’s first external affairs and marketing program and became the College’s first Director of External Affairs, guiding communications, publications, marketing and all external relations. He was institutional spokesman, liaison for State/Federal relations and supported the president’s board roles with the American Council on Education, NCAA and other state and national associations.
Walt also served as executive assistant to the president at Newton College, Newton, MA; and while on duty in the US Navy, was on the protocol staff of the NATO Commander, Southern Region, serving Admiral Horatio Rivero, USN and Admiral Richard Colbert, USN. Walt completed a major in Journalism at Ohio University and holds a BS in Political Science from Boston University (cum laude).